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:: My Urban Eyes ::All that I see, and then some. | |
:: Monday, November 24, 2003 ::
Hello, HelloIn the ~checks her watch~ incredibly long time since I've posted last several things have happened. First of all, some of my archives seem to have gone down the sink. I'm not very happy about that. At least I didn't lose my elevator entry, but still... Second of all, I've become a huge They Might Be Giants fan. I saw them over the summer and they also did a free live show at the Book House... great stuff. Glenn has been kind enough to lend me a ton of their CDs, and their free clock radio is great, too. When I get obsessive I go full bore. (Is that the right "bore"? "Boar"?) Lately I've been playing a game called Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates...it's so good. There's a huge social aspect to the game, which the social me eats up. And the puzzles are tons of fun, too. Hasn't been great for homework and papers, but that's okay now and then, ne? ~wink~ I will no longer make any promises to update this site. That should up the number of times I post to it... so don't stop coming, by any means! It's just that when I feel obligated to do something there is only a tiny chance it will get done in a timely fashion. Now on to that five page paper due ~checks watch~ today... ^_^ :: Kazen @ Always Doing 12:23 AM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Saturday, October 04, 2003 :: She's BaaaaaackHi, all! I know I've been a little non-existant on the communication thing, but I'm hoping to fix that at least a little bit right now. Me asking how *you're* doing won't get me very far on an online diary, but I figure that telling you a little about *my* life wouldn't hurt. Ne? Things are going well here at school. I'm busy, but well. I'm taking two Planning classes, two Japanese classes, and band. I'm also a tour guide now--it's so much fun! Imparting my infinite wisdom ~cough~ to potential students. Tour guides know crazy stuff. For instance: Did you know that: - The University at Albany's uptown campus has 1,328 pillars? - ...that its main fountain holds 266,000 gallons of water? - ...that the bell tower is also a water tower, providing water pressure for the entire campus? - ...that the Minerva statue, standing about seven feet tall, was once saved from a burning building by a janitor? And there's more where those came from, my friend. ~wink~ I think I'm going to like this job a lot. ^_^ I hope everyone is doing well and is being treated well by their classes. I'll try to put funny things up here more often, you know, all that crazy Karla stuff that floats around in my brain. -_^ Until then, jaa! :: Kazen @ Always Doing 12:08 AM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Friday, July 18, 2003 :: Happy DayHey, want to brighten up your day and glow for a week afterward? Spend some quality time with your boyfriend after a separation of at least two months--that should do the trick. ^_^ I know that lately my blog entries have been short and few, and I'm sorry. Thing is, I haven't been doing too much thinking lately. Wait, that's not true. I've been thinking, but about change of major forms and class availability lists and POD questions--not really blogable stuff. At least I'm not falling off the face of the earth. That's a good thing, right? :: Kazen @ Always Doing 7:32 AM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 :: Oh, Nothing, Just WaitingI betcha someone could do a really cool study on how people wait. The whys are very much taken care of and studied, but the hows would be interesting to observe. Maybe people fall into groups--those who stand very still, those who study everything around them, those who yank out a book. And there's probably stages of waiting, too--complacency, minor annoyance, major annoyance, and leaving. Thing is, the more important it is the more the whole thing may change. Anyway, wouldn't it be cool if someone looked into that? :: Kazen @ Always Doing 8:47 AM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Friday, July 11, 2003 :: Wider Thoughts...but not longer. I never said that. -_^ People have been visiting this blog from all over the world lately! To everyone--hello, konnichi wa, bonjour... those are the only ones I know. I hope you like what you see here, even if you were only trying to get to Hush Shoujo Project. I wish I had some kind of feedback system so people could leave messages... I've tried a couple but they really mess with the layout. Boo. Anyway--to everyone new--welcome! (Don't get me started with other languages on that one, okay?) -_^ :: Kazen @ Always Doing 8:49 AM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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Ame--suki[translation: Rain--I like] Today is a dreary day, and I don't mind too much. We've had really nice weather lately... it was about time we realized exactly how nice it is. A change of pace is nice from time to time. And the damp air can make you feel alive... Tonight I go to Bhairavi's for her birthday--hurrah! 50 cent slices of pizza, here I come! Not to mention the anime... gotta love the anime! I wish I had something meaningful to say, but I'm afraid I don't. If something comes to mind I'll be sure to let you know. ^_^ :: Kazen @ Always Doing 8:00 AM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Monday, June 30, 2003 :: DDR is not "Down, Down Runt"I don't know where that title came from, so don't ask. The point--last night I played a lot of DDR and had a lot of fun. It was the only time all day my headache went away. I actually passed some five and six foot songs on the first pass. I plan on playing more tonight--a great way to keep the tummy in check, too! Nothing else to say, really... just chilling out at work, avoiding work. I'm here until 5:30, so off to the internet I go... :: Kazen @ Always Doing 1:13 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Friday, June 27, 2003 :: An EvilBeing online and seeing new anime and manga releases but being unable to download them because you're at work. Torture! :: Kazen @ Always Doing 7:45 AM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 :: Well, You Know, It's WorkAnd this is a free moment, so I'm writing. Things are going pretty well here. The new computer registration system is up and the freshmen are piling in to use it. There's been bugs, to be sure, but on the whole it's working out well. Tomorrow is the first Transfer Conference, a monster of its own. I hope it goes as well as the Freshmen Conferences have been. And even when there are no students here I'm kept busy--Pre-Health folders, Pre-Law Fair, random filing, random work (today stuffing and labeling 250 envelopes), and so on. And, of course, you have to take time out for lunch, e-mails, blogging... You can make it a verb, right? Yesterday I started driving myself to work, as Ariell finished her summer class here. The traffic isn't fun, but driving is. I cut an odd image, I think--a college student behind the wheel of a minivan by itself is semi-comical, but add to it the fact that the windows are rolled down and blasting Broadway tunes... yeah, I must draw some glances. If not glares. Let me defend my Broadway, though--it's for the sake of Art! Art with a capital 'A'! Actually, it's for the sake of my acting, lowercase a. But my acting is for the sake of a grade of 'A'. Wait, it's not even that. It's for broadening my theatre (with an 're') knowledge so I can be cast in a production, hopefully to recieve a standing 'O'. Wah, is this what work does to me? ~sigh~ I haven't been up to much, but that which I'm up to keeps me busy. Seeing where my prior prattle went, I think I'll leave it at that... :: Kazen @ Always Doing 12:45 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 :: I Really Do Exist!Hey there, everyone. I'm not sure if anyone reads my blog anymore, seeing that I haven't posted in months, but I'm back. ^_^ This summer I'm working in Advisement Services in school so I have regular internet access--I think I'd be dying otherwise. I can't download anime, though, so it does have its ups and downs. A lot of things have happened since April 20th. I had more school, more classes. Lots of studying. I spent two weeks of my life engulfed in the school's production of Hair--more on that in a minute. I studied and stressed over finals. I said goodbye to one boyfriend and hello to another. I took the finals. I moved out of the dorm. And now I'm working. It never quite ends! Hair was amazing. An incredible amount of fun. I wasn't on stage acting, though I wish I were. Nope, I was in the pit, playing percussion. I know, I wouldn't've thought it, either, but when the flute part for the entire play equals 16 bars you quickly explore other options. The cast was great, the pit people were even more wonderful, and we had a blast. I didn't get much sleep those two weeks, but it's all for the sake of Art with a capital "A", right? Finals went okay... some were tougher than I thought, others were just as tough as I thought they would be. So now I'm part of the working world. The real working world, the 40 hour a week kind. I'm a secretary for Advisement Services... but not quite. Lynn, the other secretary here, covers all the real stuff--the major typing, the administrative tasks. I, on the other hand, do minor secretarial things but also answer the phone. Both of us deal with students that walk in throughout the day. So I guess I'm a secretary/receptionist/front desk person. But really... it's only a name, right? -_^ Hopefully I'll be able to write more in the blog now that I'm online again. Karla, returning from dropping off the face of the Earth, now reporting for duty... :: Kazen @ Always Doing 11:57 AM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Saturday, April 19, 2003 :: Random EverythingsI like and hate the fact that no one is here at school. I like it because peace and quiet abounds. I can sing to anime songs as loud as I want 24/7. It's not like anyone can hear or anything. But then again... there's no one here. I've spent entire days in my room with the IMer as my only line of human contact. Leave once to get food at the Campus Center, maybe, and that's it. Walking around campus is near scary. It's a ghost town. The worst sort, too--the kind that forcefully pushes and *keeps* people out. At least in the summer there's the slight buzz of normal operations--the routine still goes on. But now, nothing routine is taking place at all. Dining halls are closed, and I've rarely seen more than 20 people grabbing eats at the Campus Center. It's all just... odd. Just finished playing DDR... man, has it been a while. I have to get all of my timing back. I should really play more, but that requires something called time, which is in awful short supply for me. Next week is Hair... hurrah! I can't wait. It's going to be so much fun. I've never played in a pit before--I wonder what exactly it will be like. How much of the stage will I be able to see? How much room will there be for all of my instruments? And which marimba will I get? I hope it's a good one. ~crosses fingers~ And to be *part* of a production! As a theatre minor, anywhere I can get my face seen is good. Even if it is in the pit. Next year I'm going to try out for a departmental... how much fun it would be to get in... ~vows to work on her acting technique over the summer. She's not exactly sure how to go about doing that, but she will~ I don't know if many people have noticed, but about two weeks ago I added a hit counter and stat tracker to this page. No longer do I feel like my thoughts are meandering aimlessly through cyberspace--yes, people *do* read this! Not many people, but people just the same. I even had a hit from Brazil and another from Japan. Japan! Konnichi wa, Nihonjin-san!!! What is it, exactly, that brought you here? I wish I could find out. ~dares a glance at her bookshelf~ There is so much to read and so little time! Everyone is so kind to lend me books, and then I buy my own books, and then the library is full of books... like for so many other things, summer becomes the magic time of completion. I can't believe I didn't mention this yet--I recently became a manga editor for HUSH Shoujo Project. What does all that jargon mean? Well, Levi at HUSH gives me scans of manga [comic book] chapters with the text in either Japanese or Chinese along with an English translation. It's my job to Photoshop the foreign text out and put in the English words. Sounds easy, doesn't it? It is, when you're working in clean white text bubbles. The wrinkles come when there are sound effects over the background drawing. Then I have to erase the Japanese text, redraw the picture, then stick the English words on top. Seamlessly. It's a lot of precision work, but somehow it's a lot of fun. Each tough frame is a challenge, and I get great pleasure out of beating it. ^_^ Click on the HUSH Shoujo link to the left to take a look at my work. Recently I've edited Kare First Love 5a and Atashi wa Bambi 6 along with doing the sound effects for Kare First Love 5b. ~has been a busy little beaver~ I get my next chapter tomorrow--yea! Wah, I've rattled quite a long time about nothing, really. I should end before I think of other silly things to say. -_^ Oyasumi nasai!!! :: Kazen @ Always Doing 10:30 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Thursday, April 17, 2003 :: And Then It Became VacationAnd what an odd vacation, too. I'm really alone--no one in my suite, no one in the suite next door (which is really really good, actually), and the entire campus looks like a ghost town. I went to the campus center for dinner and a total of, like, ten people were there. I like it, though. It gives me a chance to do all the me things. Sleep. Read. Edit manga. And find myself a little more. Don't think I'm cutting myself off from the world, though. My IMer is up 24/7 as per usual, and I have seen humans since break started. Most of the time I'm here my bedroom door is closed--this way Kate and I don't bother each other with our music. But now there's no suitemate, nothing to worry about. With this I'm realizing the power of an open door. It's all psychological. No longer am I locked in a little box. Sure, this little box is linked to another little box by that very door, but I can't see that from my bed. ^_^ So, I keep on going on, and I'm liking it. :: Kazen @ Always Doing 7:40 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Sunday, April 13, 2003 :: How to Ride a UAlbany Elevator Like a ProIt's scary how some things have their own culture. You don't even notice it until someone breaks one of the cultural "rules". So, to help you avoid such a snafu I have personally ridden the elevator upwards of six times a day and taken diligent notes, all to enlighten you to Residence Hall Elevator Culture. Note: many of these things are true and are actually good advice, but it is up to you to decide what. ^_^ ~~~~~ Pre-Ride Before you ride in the elevator you'll have to wait for it. There are definate dos and don'ts here. If no one is there push the button. If people are already there don't even bother looking. You'll have to lean down and squint to see if the orange light is on, and it will be on, so don't bother. Make a neat line along the wall in front of the elevators. If someone is trying to get in the tower (and you happen to feel generous) open the door for them. However, if you are near the front of the line let them rot. Hey, your elevator ride is more important, anyway. Usual procedure calls for you to watch the displays to see what floor the elevators are on. If they take a long time you have the option of looking around disgusted and maybe even making a comment to your linemate before shaking your head. Don't forget the head shake. When the Elevator Arrives Go up to it. Maybe stay a step back in case someone comes out, but don't take lots of care to give them room. The person behind you will budge otherwise. And heaven knows being first in the elevator is oh-so-important. Upon entering the elevator press the button for your floor. Know exactly where it is. Otherwise everyone will know you don't live here and shoot you strange looks. Some people shoot looks with thorns... watch out for those. And don't think anyone will push the button for you, or ask what floor you need. Even if your hands are full you are expected to push for your own floor. Take a good look at the floor as you walk in. Chances are the elevator is not clean. Watch out for spilled soda, loose laundry soap, beer bottles, empty Chinese takeout containers, fliers with nearly nude girls, and smashed apples. For some reason people smash apples in elevators. It's our elevator pastime. While Riding While in the elevator make an effort to stand as far away from everyone else in the elevator. If there are four people or less this is easy, as everyone takes a corner. If there are more people than that simply do the best you can. As each person gets off readjust to get away from people. You don't know them. And you don't particularly want to. If someone rides the elevators for five floors or less and doesn't have a crutch or an excessive limp make fun of them as soon as they get off. Really, why are they slowing up the already slow elevator process with an unnecessary trip? Perhaps site instances where you have walked upwards of ten floors instead of taking the elevator out of your infinite kindness. Then shake your head. Getting Off The most simple part. Simply step off, minding any spilled goods and the gap. Know which way you're turning straight off, otherwise you are an outsider yet again. If you don't know which way to turn, guess. By the time you realize your mistake the elevator will be gone, thus saving face. ~~~~~ Now you are prepared to take everything the elevators can throw at you. Wait... I forgot about the drunk people. I'll include them in v2 ^_^ :: Kazen @ Always Doing 1:52 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Sunday, April 06, 2003 :: Scary StuffLast night was scary. At five a.m. I heard yelling from the other side of my wall. The yelling got louder, with more people. Then the yelling moved into the hall. Then there was scuffling, and thudding--punches were being thrown. More yelling. And for it to wake me up you know it was loud. Thank goodness UPD came when they did. I didn't feel like leaving the safety of my bed to make the call. I wonder what the whole deal was. It won't be up in the police blotter until tomorrow or the day after, and how much do you want to bet it will say, "personal dispute, 13th floor Livingston Tower" or other such jargon? ...who do I live near, anyway? I don't even know them. Now that may just be a good thing. :: Kazen @ Always Doing 7:22 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Saturday, April 05, 2003 :: Exciting StuffWah, a lot has happened in the last two days. In reverse order: Hockey game tonight. A *lot* of people were there, and I sold $450 worth of 50/50 tickets. I would've sold more if I had more time and more tickets... scary thought. Really cool thing--an off-ice offical I know gave me an offical game puck. It's sitting on my desk right now, in front of my monitor. It's a good little friend. In all my 9 years of watching hockey I have never caught a game puck... I don't know if I ever will. I'm really going to miss the games. Over six months of not seeing my great friends, of not yelling at the ref, of not guaranteeing a winner to every person I sell a 50/50 ticket to. Of not seeing the kids I know, of not seeing the guys. The look on Raymond Giroux's face as he got off the ice broke my heart. This morning was nice because I just hung out in bed and did nothing. Soul days are good for me. Not good for the homework that piles up, but good for me. Last night was the East Asian Studies Department Annual Speech Contest. I was in it for Japanese I.. and I won, somehow. It was really cool. I liked my speech, as boring as it was. (I mean, I can't say that much. It all sounds like a third grader is speaking.) I ended up talking about Duanesburg. (See? Like I said--boring.) My favorite part went like this: "There is also a skydiving school. Duanesburg skydiving is a little famous. Once in a while someone dies. It doesn't happen often, though." Something I noticed while listening to the speeches--Japanese has some of the longest set phrases. The "thank you" phrase at the end of the Chinese and Korean speeches was quite short, two or three syllables. In Japanese, though, you say, "Doumo arigatou gozaimasu"--12 syllables if you count the long vowels. Can't be impolite with "arigatou" or "doomo", oh, no. Every time I use Japanese I feel silly and stupid that I don't know more, that I can't understand more, that I can't say what I want to say. Example--afterwards one of the judges complimented me. Simply, too, nothing over the top. Still, I had to say, "Sumimasen, wakarimasen"; "I'm sorry, I don't understand". It's not a total loss, though--I caught a "Let's go in" and "Would you like some tea?". If anything, Nihongo ga daisuki desu! ^_^ :: Kazen @ Always Doing 9:43 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Sunday, March 30, 2003 :: Library ThinkingI was in the University Library today, after seeing Oleanna (pretty good), and thinking. A couple of things became clear to me. Libraries tend to focus and intensify your emotions. But not just any emotions, two in particular--peace and anguish. If you feel peaceful the regular rows upon rows of shelves will help reinforce the feeling. However, if you feel anything less than savory that gets amplified, too. Especially headaches. And if you have any other little ache you will notice it more than usual. Like today--I felt my knee popping as I walk. I never notice that as its so slight. As soon as I was outside I didn't notice. But between the shelves I noticed. I guess working in the library is a dangerous idea. :: Kazen @ Always Doing 7:22 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Saturday, March 29, 2003 :: ...And Uncertain *in* TranslationThe translation I promised. First, though, a couple of translator's notes. "Neesan" is a respectful way to address your older sister. "Kaze" is breeze or wind. So "kaze-no-neesan" is "sister wind". "Atashi" is a feminine, slightly deminutive form of "I"... I used it because it adds to the softness of the language. On to the translation: Kaze-no-neesan, please look. Look--that person is me. A happy me. A little amazing, isn't it. Wind is amazing, too. So is the night. This way, this way... kaze-no-neesan, please come here. I want to you to be here. Please. Everyone is good, but I want to be with you. You know me. Please hold [hug] me. Know my heart. Please. Personally, I like the Japanese better. ^_^ :: Kazen @ Always Doing 1:41 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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Lost in Non-TranslationWill translate later, when it is a little less relevant than at the moment. Kaze-no-neesan, mite kudasai. Hora--ano hito wa atashi. Shiawase na atashi. Chotto sugoi, ne. Kaze mo sugoi. Yoru mo sugoi. Kochi, kochi... kaze-no-neesan, kite kudasai. Koko ni neesan ga hoshi. Onegai. Minna ii kedo, neesan ga hoshi. Atashi o wakaru. Dakishimete kudasai. Atashi no kokoro o wakatte kudasai. Onegai. :: Kazen @ Always Doing 12:33 AM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Sunday, March 23, 2003 :: Minna-san wa Doko Desu Ka?
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