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:: My Urban Eyes ::All that I see, and then some. | |
:: Saturday, December 14, 2002 ::
Direct Away!The Directing Projects were Wednesday night--things went well! I was suprised--I was more excited than nervous. I guess being in band since fourth grade has finally paid off! The scene itself went without a hitch. Everyone was great--Eugene was amazingly funny, Blanche was perfectly wimpy, Nora was totemo genki, very energetic, and Laurie was just the right amount of snotty. It was wonderful to hear reaction to our lines, to hear people laugh. We had been rehearsing to four bare walls for almost a month... I think we sorta forgot that what we were saying was funny. The audience helped us remember. So, now it's finals time. Fun fun fun. I don't have it too bad--Japanese final, Upper Atmosphere final, final scene for Acting. Maybe this will give me some time to sleep, actually... :: Kazen @ Always Doing 7:02 AM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 :: Quick RealizationI'm not truly an actor. I'm not exactly a natural (though it comes more naturally than, say, playing sports), and I'm not the stereotypical theatre major by any means (though that may be a good thing). Sometimes, while I'm acting, I feel like I'm, well... acting like I'm an actor. I love it, don't get me wrong--but acting isn't at the core of my being. The deepest core that is my most true self. I'm not going to stop, though. It's too much fun. However, I still realize that though acting is part of who I am now, I may find something even better, and more true, down the road. To be better than acting it's gonna be amazing. I look forward to that day. :: Kazen @ Always Doing 8:59 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Sunday, December 08, 2002 :: Back After Falling Off the EarthAt least, that is what it must have seemed like for you. Gomen! Too many things lined up just right (or, just wrong)--vacation, getting sick (twice!), and finals. Yargh. But I'm back now! Yahaa! Lessee, what's been going on lately... Concert tonight--the annual Christmas concert. Nearly every musical group on campus plays a song. This year we played Russian Christmas Carol... it turned out pretty well. The english horn was good, and we landed parts we were hoping to land. This weekend wasn't so bad--somehow I didn't get any homework. I enjoyed it, hanging out with friends and catching up on sleep. Spent last night in Saratoga Springs at Justin's house--we had a whole bunch of people for a pasta and movie night. Elizabeth made amazing garlic bread (better than my mom's, which is saying something), and I got to see a Mel Brooks movie I had never heard of (The Twelve Chairs...it was okay). We also watched Nightmare Before Christmas (I forgot how good it is!), and The Black Cauldron (maa maa desu... it was okay). Hmm, what else, what else... well, finals are coming up. Fun, fun, fun. I don't have too many--an open book Upper Atmosphere final, a Japanese final, and a final scene in acting. Oh, and the Directing Projects are coming up! I'll put more information up when I know it--I only know that they're this Wednesday. Not sure on the time yet, or where in the program our scene is. It's easier to keep up instead of backtrack, so hopefully things'll work well until I'm out of here on the 21st. Until then, ja ne, later! :: Kazen @ Always Doing 7:54 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Friday, November 22, 2002 :: "I Think I Thought I Saw One"It took me forever to write about this... but I didn't catch up on sleep until today. Monday night/early Tuesday morning we went on an adventure--five people in two cars doing the speed limit down Route 20 at 4:30 am to my house in hopes of seeing some meteors. Pull in the driveway, trek out back, meet the horse, walk around the pasture to try and see the meteors. Next to nothing--there's a veil of clouds over the entire sky. But... right there, did you see that? It kinda looked like something. Through the clouds. "I think I thought I saw one. Right about there. How about you?" "I think I thought I saw one, too." A snow angel, several camera flashes, and a five minute drive later we're in the Diner (no clarification needed--it's the only one) ordering breakfast. One of us gets asked if she's going hunting--deer season opened yesterday, after all. Two of us realize we're wearing the same boots. Exact same boots, only one size off. One's a guy, one's a girl. Three orders of pancakes, two orders of eggs, a hotdog, a bowl of cream of wheat and several hash browns later five sleepy college students headed back to campus. At least one was confused about the speed limit. :: Kazen @ Always Doing 3:29 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Sunday, November 17, 2002 :: Pacific TiesThis is so notable it deserves its own post. Got a phone call at five of midnight... who would call me at this time except Elizabeth or Bhairavi? So I pick up the phone, expecting their loud on-campus voice on the other end. "Hello?" "Hey." A male voice. A smooth voice. "Hello...?" "Hey," he says again. "Who is this?" I remember those elementary school lessons, though, and don't want to give out any info. "Who is this? What number are you trying to reach?" "This is Jay." "I'm sorry but you have the wrong number." I reach for the "talk" button, ready to hang up. "Is this South Carolina?" he asks. "Um, no... this is Upstate New York. The 518 area code." "Oh, I'm calling from California. I guess I want the 581 area code." "Yeah." I get mentally prepared to hang up again. "Sorry if I woke you up." "Oh, no, you didn't." "Hey, you have a sexy voice." My jaw dropped. "Uh, thanks... I hope you can get through to South Carolina... bye." "Bye," I heard as I hung up. Yes, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. :: Kazen @ Always Doing 9:10 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Saturday, November 16, 2002 :: Towards the CenterMy mind has taken an inward turn lately... but not the usual sort. The usual sort brings out the shy twin, completely introverted and not willing to talk to anyone. This inward turn, though, is just in my head. I'm still outgoing, willing to talk to people, act silly and have fun. But when I'm alone, I think. I think it's a good thing. Woke up this morning (er, afternoon) in my usual groggy state, but a scraping sound snapped me to reality. "What is that? It sounds like... ice...". I pushed the blinds aside to find ~ta-da!~ snow!!! We went from October weather (the no jacket sort) to early December overnight. Albany weather is messed up... but I like it. We experience each month's weather, just not in the correct order. And who are we to be picky? Hockey game last night--an awful 3-0 loss. We allowed 34 shots in the first two periods alone! The defense sagged and collapsed. Not too much fun to watch. There were high points, though. I sold the winning 50/50 ticket! Barb won it, one of my regulars. I'm happy I sold the winner, for many reasons, not the least of which being that a couple of my customers threatened to go to other sellers if I didn't come through for them. Also, I like doing well for the newspaper guys. They're an awesomely cool bunch. Odd experience--someone I know well referred to me as "a woman I know" while telling a story. Me, "a woman"?!? It doesn't register. I'm just, and only sort of, getting used to "ma'am", and with a grudge, at that. Don't be throwing the "lady" and "woman" stuff on me just yet. Looking forward to Indian food tonight (the ethnicity, not the quad!)... my company will be fun, too... and the snow adds to the adventure. To trek out in the white stuff never gets boring. Or warm. But, hey, we'll dress for it. :: Kazen @ Always Doing 1:00 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 :: Looking for SubstanceI think Foundations may have set off something--a need for something tangible. It's going to be a round-about road getting to the justification for that point, but hang with me, here. Today has been decently good so far. There have been rough spots, be sure--namely, my Upper Atmosphere test this morning. The ionosphere and the magnetosphere are not what I want to be thinking about on five hours sleep. The prof tends to have a massive curve, though, so I'm hoping for the best. (As always!) Acting was great--I felt like I nailed my scene. For the exercise we sat in a chair slightly stage right (to get out of the "dead spot") and talked on a phone with three different people of our choosing. I "talked" with my mom, brother, and grandfather, adjusting my story and speech to fit each person. I'm really happy with the result--it felt real, and looking back, I made good choices and adjustments. However, I think I need to work on my timing, how much time I "gave" the person on the other end of the phone to speak. What I'm the most proud of: I told everyone I was talking to my brother. But they were able to tell it was a younger brother by the tone of my voice alone. (Okay, okay, and one subtle hint, but that's not the point.) I'm proud I pulled that off. Acting class makes me bi-polar about the craft. Some days are great--I lay down a great scene or exercise or whatever. After those days I leave class thinking, "Acting is amazing! I want to be doing this in some form for the rest of my life!!!". (Well, maybe not that extreme.) Other days outright stink. I mess up lines, don't feel like my character. Those days I think, "I'm not an actress after all... who was I kidding? What makes me think I can pull this off?". How I feel about the craft depends on the day. However, I rarely say anything bad about acting class. Even if I have a bad day I'll bring up something else, instead. "We did this cool exercise where we had to make a machine and we were the parts!" Okay, point one, "The Setup", that will help me lead to a final conclusion: I love to convey things. Lately, this semester, most of the things I've been trying to convey are not physical. I don't have much to show and tell. Just tell. Stories from classes. What it felt like when I went to slam my alarm clock this morning and almost broke my only dish and bowl. But it's hard to do. It can get frustrating. Moving on... Foundations rocked yesterday. Professor Pipkin is simply amazing. Sure, it may have something to do with the fact that he's a professor in my field and all, but still, amazing. During class, I, Urban Planning Major, was sitting next to Jon, Urban Planning Minor. We were giddy the entire time. "Jane Jacobs! She rocks! Remember what she said in the book we had to read for 220?"; "'Housing is the third rail', quoteth Rocky..."; "But what if low-income housing were built, too? Wouldn't that help things?"... and so on. It was wonderful to connect with someone about something I truely care about. Point two, "The Transition", that will help me lead me to a final conclusion: finally, I was able to convey something with perfect understanding. Sure, common experience had a big thing to do with it, but sitll, I could connect. It felt good. I wanted to convey more. Moving on... Last night I saw my mom and was able to get my hands on some yarn and a crochet hook. Project time! A quick blanket so my toes don't freeze this winter. Point three, "Exhibit A", that will help me lead to a final conclusion: two hours' worth of crocheted goods, made while I should've been studying. Bringing everything together: Consider the facts. "The Setup"--I have a need to convey. "The Transition"--I was able to convey once intangibly, in Foundations, which creates a deeper need to convey. "Exhibit A"--being able to convey anything more intangilbly, I turned to crochet, something I can hold up and say, "Look at this! I made it!"--something tangible. Therefore, Foundations set off a need for tangibility. ~~end proof~~ :: Kazen @ Always Doing 11:45 AM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Saturday, November 09, 2002 :: Anime DayToday is going to be fun! First of all rehearsal was cancelled, and good thing, too--it was square in the middle of our planned anime run. So, in an hour or so it's going to be hack.//SIGN in Bhairavi and Elizabeth's room, and who knows, maybe something else. (Dav was talking about bringing a two-parter of some sort... something crazy. Dragon Half?) Then piling in the car to go to Hooshie's for even more stuff... Rayearth! And cheese balls... mmmm... All of the fun today makes tomorrow my work day. Study for Japanese test, laundry (fun fun fun), studying lines, so on and so forth. I like being so busy because it's fun, but the fun of sleep is slightly underrated, I think. "Oh, the sun is warm, But my blanket's warmer Sleep, sleep in your lady's arms Sleep, sleep in your lady's arms" --On the Town :: Kazen @ Always Doing 9:18 AM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Thursday, November 07, 2002 :: An Odd MoodI haven't quite been feeling myself lately. Well, that's not entirely true. I've been my quiet twin--the shy one that lets other people make decisions, that gets pushed around for the sake of peace. She doesn't stand up for herself much. A lot of things aren't clear. She has a hard time understanding jokes, sarcasm, and taking things in. This makes her a poor actor. I would like to get the outgoing me back soon... I can fake her, but it's not the same. More rehearsals for Brighton Beach Memoirs. I like it a lot. I still don't feel completely comfortable or in character... but I blame it on this shy twin. I'm such a Gemini it's scary. Want to know about me? Read any Gemini profile. Nearly everything hits on the mark--intelligent, communication masters, Mercurial, multi-taskers, fickle, attracted by sharp minds. Mutable. Element, air. Metal, mercury. Rules the hands, arms, shoulders, nervous system. Tends towards wrist problems. There are other, even less flattering things out there... and sadly, most (but not all!) of them ring true, as well. I should take the rest of tonight to find myself. Enjoy some "me" time. However, sleep calls, and heaven knows she sings an enchanting melody... :: Kazen @ Always Doing 9:02 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Monday, November 04, 2002 :: So, I'm KateNo, really. I'm Kate, the mother... yelling at my son Eugene, picking sweat socks and roller skates up off the floor. Cooking dinner. Motherly things. In other words, first Directing Project rehearsal tonight... it went pretty well. But I have to get more in character. I just hope everything turns out alright in the end. Today was interesting. Interesting to watch. And then there are other things... like your friends knowing you too well. Bhairavi, you're gonna get it! Maybe I should do something un-me just to throw you off. But then you would probably call it. Darn you... ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Such a beautiful song... more mysterous and beautiful without the translation, no? Yama no naka Mori no naka Kaze no naka Yume no naka Sesshoumaru-sama doko ni ru? Jaken-sama o shitagaete Watashi wa hitori de machi massho o Sesshoumaru-sama omotori o. :: Kazen @ Always Doing 8:03 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Saturday, November 02, 2002 :: It's Catch Up TimeFirst off, something random: I love Gathering of the Ranks at Hebron... it just came up on my media player. The middle bit (bridge, I guess) is amazing! Okay, to catch you up on my life, in little segments: --I was cast in the Directing Projects! A bit of a shock, though--I'm the Jewish mother in Brighton Beach Memoirs! I stood at the call board in shock. I hope David (another David! So many Davids and Daves! I dub this one Director David.) can help me pick up the accent... I think that's going to be the toughest part. Heaven knows I'll be loud enough! (A friend actually asked me if I could be loud enough... obviously, a newer friend. ~wink~) First rehearsal Monday, after band. --Acting class has been odd this week... a workshop. Things seemed to be coming together to start, but yesterday we were missing people and things didn't seem to work. It got annoying. A cool, bit, though--the other group was missing people, as well, and needed people to cover so they could put up their scene. I ended up playing a 19 year old girl that just found out she's pregnant. She comes home to meet her parents, and ends up spilling the beans. It's very hard to convey in words what happened, exactly, but let it suffice to say that I was proud of my performance. Why can't turn out performances like that consistantly? Mmm, hoka ni wa, is there anything else... --Rats are doing well, leading the division, in fact! Quite a difference from league basement last year. Game last night wasn't too great--a 2-1 loss. Tonight, though, they pulled it together and beat Rochester 3-0. Rochester hasn't won a game yet this season. Scary thought. Tomorrow (well, technically today) it looks like I'll be doing work all day... at least, the parts of the day I don't devote to sleeping. (Gorgeous and gracious slumber...) The only real thing I have to do is Japanese, but it's a lot. Vocab test Monday, written homework, and working on kanji. It'll all be fun, though--I love that class! I realize that when I'm tired and just writing I rely on my tried and true sentence forms--broken in half, be it with a dash or ellipsis. Also, I tend to start sentences with transitional words and phrases. I guess it's my middle school English training coming out. (Really, thank you, Mr. Desharnais!!!) At least it's something solid to fall back on, even if the form gets tiresome. Even though it may hurt more, better to fall back on concrete than fog... unless, that is, you fall into the fog... :: Kazen @ Always Doing 10:38 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Monday, October 28, 2002 :: DreamFour hours of vision exchanged with four hours of night. (Rough draft--still trying to make it sound better--something is definately off about it.) (Original concept from a misread of J-kun's e-journal. And who is J-kun? Well, let's just say that if he knows who he is, it will be quite amazing.) :: Kazen @ Always Doing 2:54 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Sunday, October 27, 2002 :: Come Back... I'm Calling You Back...Callbacks today--they went pretty well. Some parts and plays are better for me than others... it always lands that way. I was called back for five different plays, three of which I love, four of which I've never read, two and a half of which I felt comfortable with the part I was reading for. (Don't worry, it's not suppossed to add up.) The best out of them all--Life in the Trees. It's a comedic play in three acts, each act telling a different story with different characters. I read as Paula, meeting Terry for the first time in two years. They were both in the same therapy group, for a phobia of crowds and public places. Terry has recovered very well in the past two years, and while Paula is better, she has a ways to go. Read the sides and also a monologue. I like Paula--she's a complex character that I can believe and relate to. The other two plays I think I have a shot for are The Glass Managerie and Death of a Salesman. The Death of a Salesman sides stank, though--being "Girl" I read three lines and then left. I was Laura in The Glass Managerie, though--perfect. There's no way I could pull Amanda off well. The plays I'm quite sure I won't get cast in--Oleanna (really cool play, but the character doesn't work for me), and Brighton Beach Memoirs (out of the three girls he could've cast me as, he made me the Jewish mother. I was loud enough, but was missing the something he was looking for, I think). All in all it was a really good experience. I've never done cold readings before (and one of them could be considered ice cold), so doing so many of them in a day was good. And something else cool--at one point I read with Mr. Kipps from Woman in Black! He looked so different in street clothes that I didn't realize it was him until he started talking. I also saw Actor around, but didn't get a chance to read with him. That was pretty much my day--waking up, wanting more sleep, getting more sleep, staring bleary eyed at my computer, showering, researching the plays, going to callbacks, then this. Writing in my blog. Keeping myself sane. And aren't you oh-so-happy for that? :: Kazen @ Always Doing 6:37 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Saturday, October 26, 2002 :: To DefineI've been looking through some blogs online... different people use them for different things. Some use them to vent, others to relate funny stories, some to post online quiz results, others to plug their newly patented foot cream. Some people only write in their blogs when they're happy, others only when they're sad, others only when they can't figure out their lives. Some people realize their blogs are completely public, others don't seem to know the fact. Some people use it as a diary, more for themselves than anything. Others address entire sections, explictly or not, to specific people. So what is my blog to me? It serves several purposes: 1. I must write to stay sane. This is a truth. If I don't write I get confused in the head (that is, more than usual) and I'm unable to deal with people and life. In high school I was lucky to have enough time to write 2.5 pages a day. That was near ideal. Here in college, though, I don't have as much time--most of my writing consists of half pages scribbled during class, half in Japanese so classmates can't read the juicy bits over my shoulder. So, this blog provides another outlet. An outlet for my sanity, I guess. (I think my acting prof said it best--"for some people writing is an essential thing".) 2. It lets you guys, you lucky enough to know my IM through whatever means, peek into my life. It's a good sort of peek, too--I only tell you what I don't mind you knowing. You never have to feel like you're prying. Granted, it makes this writing more guarded than most other writing I do, but it's necessary. And think about it--do you really want to know exactly what I felt like this morning when I woke up at 9:30 am after five hours of sleep with the worst cramps I've had in months? Didn't think so. 3. It serves as a record of my life. I try to keep a little daily journal of what happened... but it falls by the wayside too easily. This blog helps fill in the gaps. 4. Every once in a while I think of something that is cool. Interesting. That I want to share. A blog is a wonderful outlet for a funny stories, lines of poetry, life insights. 5. A blog, I admit, is a bit of an ego trip. This entire page is me. Me. All me, nothing but me. Isn't it neat to have your own little corner of the world, no matter how small it is? Ah, that's all I can think of for now. Why did I tell you this? ~points at numbers one through five above~ :: Kazen @ Always Doing 11:48 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 :: "...But Living Words I Cannot Find"Today was a full and (mostly) fun day--the best bits first. Auditioned for the Directing Projects... it was the second acting audition I've done in my life, and that's only if the one I did in sixth grade counts. It went very well, I think. I love my monologue (its final line is this entry's title), from Gorky's Enemies. One of the directors earned major brownie points--as I walked in he said, "This is Karla Butler--Karla with a K". I think it was the first time in my life someone offered the extra information without being prompted, without me saying it. It left me feeling amazing. Then another director asked how to spell my last name... I guess some of them needed coffee more than others. Also my Japanese mid-term skit today--success. We all nailed our lines, acted well (not always a requirement when you're being graded on the words), showed off our chopstick skills, and had fun. The other main event of the day was my test in J, H, and EC...but we don't need to talk about that. Stick to the strengths... "I thought that as an actress I had solid ground under my feet--that I could reach the heights..." --Tatiana, Enemies :: Kazen @ Always Doing 8:45 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Saturday, October 19, 2002 :: Woman in BlackUshered the play last night--very very cool. Last year when I ushered I felt like a total outsider... the theatre people talked among themselves and left me out. This year there's a different stage manager, though, and the atmosphere was much better. Even invited me back! Last year barely a mumbled, "Thanks". The play is great, by the way. It's hard to tell much of the plot without giving much away, but I'll try: Mr. Kipps has a haunting story to tell, and an urgent need to tell it. He enlists the help of an actor to help him, with a future performance in mind. After a rough start the story starts to come together, maybe too much for the actor's liking... Eh, that's the basics, anyway. Maybe I'll write more about it after the run is over, as to not give anything away. Hmm, what else... lots of work this weekend. I'm auditioning for the director's projects on Tuesday--the same day as my Japanese midterm skit and two tests. Last year I remember using my weekends to ichinichi-juu nemasu, sleep all day, but that has gone out the window this semester. Looking at classes for next semester, too... barely anything is offered in the Planning department that I need! Only one class. So time to work on the minors... I will probably take two theatre classes. Get it out of the way. And Japanese 102, of course. My mom thinks I'm crazy for taking Japanese... but I really, *really* don't care. I'm having too much fun. And I haven't hit a wall yet. Plus, we haven't done any kanji yet! *Must* get to kanji... :: Kazen @ Always Doing 1:36 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 :: These are Things to Look Forward To--Seeing your academic advisor, that is, when he is the amazing John Pipkin (9 am tomorrow) --Getting out of Jews, Hellenism, and Early Christanity (10:05 am tomorrow) --An exciting dinner with friends (4 pm tomorrow) --Naps (as often as possible) --Acting (10:10 am Friday) --Being done with classes for the week (11:50 am Friday) --The joy of rain (all the time) (not sarcastic at all) --Smelling fall for real (~11 am, Saturday) --Amazing conversations with amazing people (always) :: Kazen @ Always Doing 9:41 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Monday, October 14, 2002 :: Kochira wa Kaze-neechanI found this in my daily writing, from early September. It hit home, so I'm putting it here. Japanese terms defined below. * Kaze-neechan wraps herself around me, whispers, "daijoubu yo". She tugs like a toddler at the hem of my pants, but comfortingly, without demands. "I'm here, I'm with you." If I could only bring you inside with me, neechan, grasp you tightly... maybe then I wouldn't have to grope about for love. * kaze--wind, breeze neechan--older sister kaze-neechan--sister wind daijoubu yo--it's alright :: Kazen @ Always Doing 9:10 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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Somehow, Being Busy is FunI wouldn't of thunk it, but it is. It's nice to have something to do all the time. Keeps me out of trouble, I guess. (Not like I get in much trouble in the first place.) This evening looks to be interesting and fun--my friend Dawn, whom I graduated with, is coming along with a friend for a dining hall dinner. Not quite ichiban ryoori, the best food, but somewhat decent. And the convo will be great, the people she will be meeting will be crazy and drive her nuts--I mean, she'll feel right at home. Quick realization--yes, I do spout random Japanese from time to time. However, I'm making an effort to include the English translation right after it, so no one is left behind. And who knows, you may end up learning some Japanese, which will be helpful when... something Japanese comes up. Right. Yesterday morning I had a dream; in it, among other things, someone sung me a lullaby. I got thinking about it--It's been so long since I've been sung to sleep. I forgot how wonderful it is, all warm and safe. No worries or doubts. I don't remember the song, but it sounded like something Danny Kaye or Bing Crosby would've crooned originally. I was leaning against the person, and could feel their voice resonate in their chest... wonderful. And all of this is very odd, considering I don't actually hear much in my dreams. Voices usually come to me as words of a sort, as if through telepathy. I never see mouths move. The voices are no better than those I hear in my head as I read books, and are rarely even that good. Yet, somehow, I heard and caught the vibes of this song. I'm so glad. So to you, you who comforted me in my dreams... arigatou, thanks. I needed that. :: Kazen @ Always Doing 12:28 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Saturday, October 12, 2002 :: Some Things Just Make SenseNoted Observation of the Day: there's a Stewart's on Western Avenue--crammed and the cream color so many convenience stores seem to thrive in. The door is a handicap door--over-wide so any sort of wheelchair or motorized scooter (the 3 a.m. infomercial sort) can get through. Fine. But... this door is at the top of a set of stairs. I don't get it, either. ~sigh~ :: Kazen @ Always Doing 8:32 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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Three Down, Thirty Five to GoWell, I feel sorta accomplished--I completed some things. I e-mailed that friend, the anime night worked out, I was actually asleep in bed past 11 am. (If you missed it, I've been having trouble sleeping past nine since I got here--totally un-me.) Due to the circumstances of last night Jeff's laptop is sitting in my common room... what an amazing opportunity! But there are other things to do, too. Copy some scoresheets for the Rat game. Get elated that I'm going to one of my homes today. Think up and print out a sign. Sleeping more would be good, too... is always good... Somewhat random: a lot of wondering can cause inner anguish, but can also be the source of speculative joy. :: Kazen @ Always Doing 9:15 AM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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:: Thursday, October 10, 2002 :: ...and Starting at the Beginning is the Worst Idea.Today was decently cool... didn't hold a candle to yesterday, but still cool. Things are starting to get busy, though... it's a dangerous place for me to be. I don't realize I'm stressed until I'm over-stressed--not exactly the best thing. After this weekend, though, things should lighten up. Some. Hopefully. I feel bad that I keep putting off certain things. E-mailing a dear friend. Grading papers. Studying for that test. (Okay, I feel bad for some things more than others.) The way to stop feeling bad is to actually *do* the stuff... but that takes effort. And I don't feel like expending any effort right now. Sleep is golden. Tonight I went to the PAC to practice my flute... the walk was much more enjoyable than the work. I love these autumn evenings! (Aki no yuugata?) It's one of the few times I wish I were home, to smell the leaves without any of the concrete getting in the way. Tomorrow night is Fushigi Yuugi anime night--I can't wait. There are going to be a lot of anime loving people here, with a *huge* order of Chinese food, much loudness, and amazing fun. Being the organizer can be stressful, bit it assures that things get done "right". Being a leader isn't a bad thing. Unless you're a bad leader, I guess. :: Kazen @ Always Doing 9:16 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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Starting is the Easy Part...Yup... I gave in and got a blog. I realized that if I had more room in my AOL IM profile, I'd say more. So why not give myself the room? Not quite sure what this will turn into, or what it will contain, but we'll find out! Zen Quote of the Day: "The torch of doubt and chaos, this is what the sage steers by." --Chuang-tzu :: Kazen @ Always Doing 7:38 PM [+] :: :: ... 0 comments
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