[::..archive..::] |
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[::..about me..::] |
[::..podcast..::] |
Learning curve, commence.
[::..quote..::] |
"Everything in life is only for now." -Avenue Q |
[::..current..::] |
book - none |
japanese - kanji |
crochet - scrap squares |
knitting - lace |
sounds - iron & wine |
podcast - yomiuri |
food - hummus |
[::..cool stuff..::] |
:: Adbusters [>] |
:: Spacing [>] |
:: They Might Be Giants [>] |
[::..radio..::] |
:: Transom [>] |
:: PRX [>] |
:: Third Coast [>] |
:: Marketplace [>] |
:: On the Media [>] |
:: This American Life [>] |
[::..photoblogs..::] |
:: Chromasia [>] |
:: Constant Camera [>] |
:: Cornershots [>] |
:: Daily Dose of Imagery [>] |
:: Express Train [>] |
:: Joe's NYC [>] |
[::..current gape..::] |
[::..site feed..::] |

| |
[::..labels..::] |
blog, democracy,
japan, life,
media, photos,
radio, random,
rants, san francisco,
videos, work |


:: Thursday, December 16, 2004 ::
Finals are Fini!
Woo! I'm so happy finals are over now. My theatre final went meh--the multiple choice section was easy, but I had a problem with the essay... maybe because I didn't read the plays. :P I should still get a good grade in the class, though, we'll see.
Tonight Bhairavi and I will try to work our way through some of our alcohol, in celebration! Oooo, maybe this is a night to do Drunken Drinking on Puzzle Pirates, ooo, the possibilities!
Wait, I think I hear something... from the freezer! It's ice cream! It's calling my name...
/me runs off
:: Kazen @ Always Doing 5:09 PM [+] ::
:: ...