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:: My Urban Eyes ::All that I see, and then some. | |
:: Friday, October 08, 2004 ::
Mr. President, You Don't Have to YellHe was talking/yelling so loud during tonight's debate that the people running the feed had to turn down his mike--you could hear it as he gave an answer about halfway through. I didn't like Bush's body language during the entire debate--I think he was going for passionate, but he came across as confrontational. He doesn't seem to know how to take turns, either (transcipt from the Times:) Mr. Gibson: Mr. President, let's extend for a minute -- (inaudible) -- issue of -- I watched the debate with Kerry and Bush supporters alike. I'm all for sensible debate, but whenever issues came up and us Kerries brought up points, the Bushsters took offense, I think. How dare we have facts! No blows or anything, but the room was kinda tense. And then the Bushsters said Kerry said he would have a draft. But nay, nay. Again from the Times: Senator Kerry: Daniel, I don't support a draft.... Now, I'm going to add 40,000 active duty forces to the military, and I'm going to make people feel good about being safe in our military and not overextended, because I'm going to run a foreign policy that actually does what President Reagan and President Eisenhower did and others. We're going to build alliances. We're not going to go unilaterally. We're not going alone like this president did. Active troops does NOT equal a draft, people. He supports giving our troops the support they need so the peace can be won. An all volunteer army, as been said time and again by both sides. The difference--Bush is in Iraq using half-assed and stopgap measures. Cutting combat pay. Telling troops that they'll be in Iraq twice as long as originally planned. Kerry cares about the guys on the ground, and would increase benefits for soldiers to encourage volunteers and properly compensate the troops already there. Little preachy, sorry about that, but that peeved me. Get your facts straight, please. Played Presidental Debate Bingo... don't know if it was worth it. It was fun, but I missed a lot of body language, and I would have listened to the message just as hard, if not harder, without the game. I probably won't do it during the next debate. So, who do I think won? Kerry. Bush was 100% better in this debate than the last one, but Kerry still bested him. I can't wait to see how the polls turn out. Did you guys hear about the last debate, and that Bush may have been wired? (Go through the free day pass, the quickest 30 seconds of your life, doesn't cost a thing.) Veeeeeeery suspicious. I hope mainstream media picks this up, to at least get an answer out of both campaigns. If it's true... how low. Who wants a president that can't speak for himself? How would people nationwide feel knowing they were led by a puppet these last four years? Please, mainstream media, pick this up. Questions need to be answered. Waaah, I'm opinionated tonight. I almost feel as if I should apologize, but being sorry for having an opinion is stupid, ne? :: Kazen @ Always Doing 10:19 PM [+] :: :: ... 1 comments
Being sorry for having an opinion is definitely stupid. I loved this post. Really did. :)
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